Description of ISOT

Description of ISOT

The Islamic Society of Tracy (ISOT) is a federally registered non-profit organization under Section 501 (C) (3) Internal Revenue Code.  Located in the City of Tracy, it is an independent organization and does not have any affiliation or association with any other political or non-political organizations, parties, institutes, or establishments.

The ISOT has a board of directors, which consists of 13 members.  The board members are elected every two years by members of this organization.  The board of directors manages, organizes, and conducts day-to-day activities of the masjid and its Islamic school.

Friday Prayers as well as five daily prayers are performed at masjid.  These gatherings give our community members a chance to meet with each other and exchange ideas on how to promote, maintain, and preserve our shared Islamic beliefs, attitudes, values, tradition, and heritage, which characterize us.

The ISOT offers daily classes in teaching our members and their children the Holly Quran, Fiqh, Arabic Language, and Islamic studies.  We have also Family Nights Programs, which bring Muslim families closer in this area.  We invite excellent speakers to discuss selected Islamic subjects in detail.

The ISOT welcomes all Muslims of this area, no matter what their origins or nationalities are, to participate in the day-to-day services and activities of the Masjid.

About Author: isotadmincp

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